Next Up for April 15: The Vanishing Half


For my first pick as a returning book club member, I've chosen The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. This novel about race, family, choosing who you want to be - and dealing with the consequences - was on the top of a lot of best books of 2020 lists. 

The story is set alternately in the Deep South and Southern California. As someone who lived there for a long time but doesn't anymore, I especially liked the LA scenes because they reminded me of what I miss and don't miss about the places and people there.

If you're thinking of listening to the audiobook, here's a sample of Brit Bennett reading from Chapter 1

Here are a couple reviews - but don't read them if you don't want to know too much about the story before plunging in.

Brit Bennett’s New Novel Explores the Power and Performance of Race, New York Times
'The Vanishing Half' Counts The Terrible Costs Of Bigotry And Secrecy, NPR
Brit Bennett’s breathtaking The Vanishing Half is a dark fairy tale about passing for white, Vox

I'm stealing Carroll's idea from last time, and posting something food and drink related from the book - bacon-wrapped dates, crab salad, and classic dry martinis - all things that Jude serves at the parties she works for the caterer. If you were coming to my house for book club, I'd make these for all of us!

See everyone on Thursday, April 15 at 7 pm.

- Michelle


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